Re: viewing Greek texts and on-line LSJ with Netscape

From: Edgar M. Krentz (
Date: Fri Sep 08 1995 - 17:16:16 EDT

Gregory Crane recently posted a message to the Classics List that called
attention to " viewing Greek texts and on-line LSJ with Netscape." I asked
for permission to forward it to the b-greek list. I have not yet tried this
out, but hope to in the near future. Some of you might also be interested
in LSJ on line.

>On Tuesday, September 5, you posted the above file to
>> I found this very interesting and am eager to
>>experiment with it.

>Could I have your permission to forward your communication to the list
>> I think many of the subscribers to that list would be
>>interested in the information, but not subscribe to the classics list.

Cordially yours,
Ed Krentz

>Date: Thu, 7 Sep 1995 10:42:05 -0400
>From: Greg Crane <>
>Subject: Re: viewing Greek texts and on-line LSJ with Netscape
>by all means, please do forward it. we really want people to check this
>thing out!

Date: Tue, 5 Sep 1995 14:01:43 -0700 (PDT)
Precedence: bulk
From: Linda Wright <>
Subject: viewing Greek texts and on-line LSJ with Netscape (fwd)
X-Listprocessor-Version: 7.2 -- ListProcessor by CREN

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 5 Sep 1995 14:44:01 -0400
From: Greg Crane <>
Subject: viewing Greek texts and on-line LSJ with Netscape

Some people have inquired about taking a look at the on-line LSJ in its
current, very *rough*, working form. Those of you with Netscape 1.1, Macs
and SMK compatible Greek fonts can play with it. We don't have a decent
workaround to show Greek on Windows Netscape (we would love to hear of one
if anyone has one).

My immediate impression is that the on-line LSJ is *much* easier to read than
the print (no surprise). I suspect that it may even be easier for intermediate
students to use than the Middle Liddell or Little Liddell -- after all,
once you have an article, even a long one, you can use Netscape to find
"Aesch." or "Plat." We would be very interested in feedback both about the
many rough edges remaining in the lexicon and about its usability. Reactions
of both faculty and students would be appreciated.

Most Perseus 2.0 texts are on-line. From the English translations you can
get to the Greek. If you turn on the morphological links button, you can
click on any word and gets its possible morphological analyses. From there,
you can get to LSJ.

Greg Crane
Editor in Chief
Perseus Project
Tufts University


One of the great advantages of Netscape is that it works with everything --
Macs, Windows, Unix workstations. Its biggest disadvantage for classicists
is probably its inability to deal with Greek in any reasonable way.

We have found a workaround for Macs running Netscape 1.1 and equipped with
an SMK Compatible font.

1) Select the "Options" menu and then go to "Preferences."

2) Under "Fonts and Colors," set your fixed-width font to some SMK
compatible font, e.g. Attika.

This is a real hack -- you will have to change this back or a lot of
your message boxes and such like will show up in Greek, but it at least
allows us to show Greek.

Now, to see a sample of our working copy of the on-line LSJ, try, for
example, the following URL:

If you want to see some Greek text with links first to morphological
analyses of words and then to LSJ, check out the on-line Perseus texts

If you are impatient, you can try, for example, the following URL:


If anyone tries it, I should like to hear reactions, know which fonts you
used, etc.

Edgar Krentz <>
New Testament, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
Voice: 312-753-0752; FAX: 312-753-0782

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