Unfit for the Dunghill

From: JOHN HAYDEN, JEWELL, IA (hayden@duke.iccc.cc.ia.us)
Date: Fri Oct 06 1995 - 14:24:43 EDT

>From: SMTP%"mikadams@ix.netcom.com" 6-OCT-1995 09:15:04.61
>To: "JOHN HAYDEN, JEWELL, IA" <hayden@duke.iccc.cc.ia.us>
>Subj: Re: Fit for the land
>You wrote:
>>I can see the "fitness" of salt for the land to curse it, as in Judges
>>Can someone suggest how salt (if it is salty) is "fit" for the
>>I have an idea, but I'd like to hear from others. See Luke 14:34-35.
>I see you haven't gotten much response. Perhaps there's not much to say
>on this subject. I vaguely remember hearing a sermon in which this was
>mentioned, something to the effect that weak salt was tossed on
>dunghills because it was not strong enough for anything else except to
>maybe aid a little in the process of decomposition. However, this is a
>vague rememberance of a sermon I think heard from someone, but I can't
>remember who(m). You merely have a thought on which to reflect rather
>than an authority to quote.
>As for my thoughts, savorless salt would be an ugly bulky encumbrance.
>If I kept it in my household, I would be setting myself up for constant
>dissapointment as its presence would tempt me to try to use it for one
>purpose or another. It would be like keeping a bottle of peroxide in
>the medicine cabinet long after all the bubbles were fizzled out.
>Because of its appearance, I wouldn't buy new, but would find I had
>nothing useful when the need arose. The peroxide would be well-poured
>down the drain. The rock salt would be well-placed in the dumpster (or
>dung heap.)
>No big revelation here, but oh well.
>Have a good one.
>Ellen Adams
>Wife, mom.

Thanks, Ellen. I think Merrill Unger has suggested (in his Dictionary)
that salt was used to hasten the decomposition of manure. This, presumably,
is SALTY salt. Jesus said, "Salt is GOOD: but if the salt has LOST its
savor . . . it is [not] fit for the . . . dunghill; but men cast it out."
(Luke 14:34-35).

Salty salt may curse the land or "sweeten" the manure pile. What I suspect
is that this might be a little like Paul saying, "To the one we are the
aroma of death to death; and to the other the aroma of life to life." Is
Jesus saying (considering the context in Luke 14) that those who follow him
will, like salt, be either a blessing or a curse to those whom they
encounter -- depending on their (i.e., the ones encountered) character?

Sure preaches good!

John Hayden
teacher, etc.

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