Re: Classical PC/Mac support

From: Carl W. Conrad (
Date: Wed Oct 11 1995 - 13:22:23 EDT

At 11:16 AM 10/11/95, wrote:
>Does anyone know of similar PC programs for pre-Koine Greek?

There's some very good stuff for classical Attic Greek. I don't know much
about the software for DOS or Windoze, but you will find information about
them if you check the computer resources listed in the article at

For the Mac you may find information at the above site as well. There are
also some outstanding Mac HyperCard stacks that were created for the JACT
course, _Reading Greek_ that have been created by Matt Neuburg in New
Zealand. His web site, whence they are freely downloadable is:

Apart from the instructional stack there, he also has two or three other
items, including a Flash Cards stack with all the vocabulary of _Reading
Greek_, another stack with vocabulary and helps for reading Plato's
Protagoras (parts of it) and another program written in a hypertext program
called StorySpace called "Greek Verb Help" which displays the structure of
the classical Attic verb in a variety of different ways that show

Hope this helps.

Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics, Washington University
One Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO, USA 63130
(314) 935-4018 OR

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