Re: Logos Tech Support Rates "F"

From: Randy Heskett (
Date: Thu Oct 05 1995 - 15:26:31 EDT

On Thu, 5 Oct 1995, L. E. Brown wrote:

> Dear Bible Student,
> Attached is a copy of an e-mail message I sent to Logos Research
> Systems concerning their technical support. I have posted it hear just
> to warn those who are considering this product to think twice. I still
> think it is the finest software out there, but unless you are
> technically inclined, know how computer programmers think and can
> figure things out without tech support, you'd better think twice.
> For the time being I am counseling those who consider Logos to wait
> until their tech support problems are resolved.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> To:
> From: "L. E. Brown" <>
> Subject: Logos Tech Support Rates "F"
> RE: A complaint and a bug.
> ************************
> ** First, the complaint
> ************************
> It is outrageous that tech support call backs are taking a week! I
> called this morning with a problem and was told that you are a week
> behind. That is absolutely absurd and it is inexcusable.
> I have been bragging on your product to everyone I know; and (not to
> toot my own horn) I have friends in high places. Two seminary
> presidents, a college president and several well known authors and
> scholars. Now I could kick myself because _if_ these people license
> your product as I strongly suggested, and they then have problems, I'm
> going to look like a real ass.
> Ridiculous
> ************************
> ** Now, the problem.
> ************************
> I observe that either the documentation for the note taking facility
> is incorrect, unclear, or the note taking facility has a serious bug
> that renders it useless.
> The dialog box which allows one to add a note permits entering a note
> title without a reference. When one adds a note and assigns a title
> rather than a verse reference, the file will not save, an internal
> error is generated and several attempts to save result in an
> unrecoverable GPF.
> To wit; I was surveying the fields of meaning of the soteria/sozo word
> group in context. To record my observations I created a new note file
> and entered a note entitled "Set free." I then added several other
> notes entitled, "from demons," "from guilty conscience," "from
> besetting sin," and "from slavery." Each of the "from" notes was
> indented once to display them as subordinate to the "Set free" note.
> Each of the "from" notes had a cross reference in it.
> Several attempts to save this file with various titles was
> unsuccessful. But, contrary to what Logos reported, part of the file
> _did_ save to disk. When I opened the note file with a disk editor, I
> observed that the file was truncated at the end of the "Set Free"
> string.
> What's going on here?
> Mark me down as someone who loves Logos 2.0; it's a wonderful product.
> But I cannot in good conscience recommend to anyone and will in fact
> steer those who ask for my recommendation to another product -- until
> tech support is adequate.
> Please advise me when your tech support staff is back up to speed so
> that people get same day service. Then I'll put you back on my
> "recommended" list.
> BTW: This letter is going to be posted on about a half dozen different
> news groups.
> =================================================
> Dr. L. E. Brown, Jr. West Sedona Baptist Church
> Sedona, Az.
> "Fresh Sermon Illustrations:"
> =================================================

The same goes for "Bible Works by Hermeneutica"

Randall Heskett
Emmanuel College, Toronto School of Theology, University of Toronto

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