dokimazw in Romans 12:2?

From: L. E. Brown (
Date: Mon Oct 09 1995 - 21:21:53 EDT

I'm wrestling with the verb dokimazw in Romans 12:2. Most of the
standard lexicons (BAGD, LS) indicate that this word means "to approve
by testing" or "to examine and approve." For some reason I find it
hard to fit this meaning into this verse. I observe that Louw-Nida
[sec. 30.98] offers an alternative field of meaning s.v. "Think." To
wit: "to regard something as being worthwhile or appropriate - 'to
regard as worthwhile, to think of as appropriate.' " In light of this
verb's use in Romans 1:28 this seems, IMHO, to be a preferable

I'd like your comment on this.

Also, I'm wondering how the august members of this list read the
concatenated adjectives in Romans 12:2. Is the entire phrase in
apposition to TO QELHMA, or is the second adjective in apposition to
the first, the third in apposition to the second?
L. E. Brown, Jr. West Sedona Baptist Church
                                      Sedona, Az.
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