Netscape 2.0 -- a beta version

From: Edward Hobbs (
Date: Fri Oct 20 1995 - 14:05:12 EDT

Larry Chouinard asks about Netscape 2.0 which he downloaded, and its
nasty practice of messing up lots of homepages.
        This has two answers:
(1) Netscape 2.0 should be labeled 2.0b or 2.0-beta. It is not yet in
commercial release (when it will cost $50), and has hundreds of bugs
commercial release (when it will cost $50), and has hundreds of bugs
still in it -- they will give you a reward if you fix any of them!

(2) When it is ready for release commercially, it will still probably
mess up homepages. They clearly intend to set the standards themselves,
meaning that those who do not follow their (new) standards will be
penalized by having Netscape browsers get a lot of garbage on their
screens. Sorry!

To make it pleasanter for yourself, remove the Netscape 2.0b you
downloaded, and go back to whatever you were using before. But one of
these days, no doubt, we will all be stuck.

Edward Hobbs

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