Scrivener's Greek Text

Date: Thu Oct 12 1995 - 18:52:57 EDT

For the New Testament it is know that the KJV translators used four different
printed Greek New Testaments, differing from one another in 131 places:

(1) The text of Robert Stevens (Stephanus) (1550, 1551)

(2) The text of Theodore Beza (1598)

(3) The text of Complutensian Polyglott (1514-22)

(4) The text of Desiderius Erasmus (1516, 1519, 1522, 1527,1535
The KJV translator's followed Beza (1598) against Stevens (1550) 81 times;
they followed Stevens (1550) against Beza (1598) 21 times; they followed the
Complutensian Polyglott (1514-22) against Beza and Stevens 19 times; they
followed Erasmus against Beza and Stevens 7 times; and they followed the
Latin Vulgate against all Greek witnesses 3 times. Scrivener posthumously
published a composite Greek text in 1894 that contains the Greek words
actually used by the KJV translators. Until the 19th century, no such Greek
text existed for the KJV New Testament.

{Information quoted from Scrivener, F. H. A., ed. The Cambridge Paragraph
Bible of the Authorized English Version (London: Cambridge University Press,
1873), p. c-ciii}

Hope this gives some contribution to the discussion

Kevin W. Woodruff
Reference Librarian
Cierpke Memorial Library
Temple Baptist Seminary
Tennessee Temple University
1815 Union Ave.
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37404
1815 Union Av

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