books offered

From: Adalbert Goertz (
Date: Mon Oct 23 1995 - 13:50:14 EDT

Books forsale:
  Dr.Adalbert Goertz,12934 Buch.Trail E.,Waynesboro PA 17268-9329 USA.
      Shipping extra.717-762-7378 5 5
  German books: Umlaute: { = ae; | = oe; } = ue; ~ = ss;
  internet email: OR
Atlas:Grosser Historischer Weltatlas,1.Teil:Vorgeschichte und Altertum,
      ^M}nchen 1964,59pp. 10.00
Beck,Hans-Georg:Das Byzantinische Jahrtausend,dtv,M}nchen 1982, 381 pp.
Breasted,J.H.:Ancient Times,a history of the early world, Ginn Co NY
      1916,742pp. 9.00
Fischer-Weltgeschichte:Byzanz, Frankfurt
      ^1973,443pp. 5.00
Fischer-Weltgeschichte:Der Hellenismus und der Aufstieg Roms, Frankfurt
^1965,412pp. 5.00
Habenstein,E.:Lateinische Wortkunde,Stuttgart 1948, 84 pp.
Moule,C.F.D.:An Idiom-Book of the New Testament Greek,Cambrige 1960,246 pp.
Bien,P.;J.Rassias,C.Bien:Demotic Greek,Hanover NH 1972
286 pp. 5.00
Robertson,A.T.:A Short Grammar of the Greek New Testament,NY 1908,249 pp.
Schiering,E.:Lese- und ]bungsbuch f}r den griechischen Anfangsunterricht,
      Frankfurt 1928,240 pp. 8.00

********************* Adalbert Goertz ***************************
retired in Waynesboro PA (65 miles from Baltimore/Washington DC)
Mennonite genealogy; insect studies; insect books wanted/traded
Would anyone trade our PA house for house in CO,NM,AZ, or ? ? ? ?

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