Re: Periphrastic Aorist

From: Dale M. Wheeler (
Date: Wed Nov 01 1995 - 10:50:11 EST

Edgar M. Krentz wrote:

>I think Luke 14:18 is *not* an example of EXW plus a participle as a

I agree...otherwise the verse would mean "I have to go..." (I don't make 'em
up, I just report 'em).

>construction the object of the RXW is the infintive IDEIN; the participle
>EXELQWN can be construed either as modifying the subject in EXW or as an
>adverbial participle expressing attendant circumstance with the verb. The
>presence of the infinitive makes it impossible as a periphrastic.
>But then again, maybe someone will refute me on the basis of a different
>parsing. :-)

I must disagree, based on the parsing :-)
As we all know the Greek verb RXW (check the posting carefully), pronounced
like the cartoon character Rocko (I don't believe there is any connection,
but I could
be wrong; perhaps we have a semantio-linguio-etymologenarian on the list who
could more accurately speak to that issue). This Greek word has been
heavily influenced from the Latin, as in "Don't rocko the boat" (this has
something to do with Livia's attempt on the life of one of the heirs to
Augustus' throne). Well, I believe all of you can see the implications of
this...., can't you ????

Oh, one other minor, nit-picking point...IDEIN isn't the direct object of
EXW, since that would give it a double direct object with ANAGKHN; IDEIN is
an epexegetical infinitive to ANAGKHN, a fairly common occurrence.

Dale M. Wheeler, Th.D.
Chair, Biblical Languages Dept Multnomah Bible College
8435 NE Glisan Street Portland, OR 97220
Voice: 503-251-6416 FAX:503-254-1268 E-Mail:

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