Re: Acts 2:1

Date: Tue Nov 14 1995 - 12:14:23 EST

Dr. Conrad:
   Thank you for your response to my question.
   I will do the review of Luke's use of APOSTOLOI. I think there are 28
people mentioned by name with this designation, I do not like the ambiguity
of the text on many matters, but I have to accept it. Then comes the
question: How can it be ambiguous and be God's Word? Perhaps He wants us to
use the mind he gave us (His image, I beleive), and to allow others to
exercise theirs without condemning them. That is very difficult -- even
among those who know better. I too am guilty. I think it is this lack of
allowance that accounts for much of the appaling division in Christendom.

Thanks again,

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