Re.: Rev. 3:10

From: Carlton L. Winbery (
Date: Wed Nov 22 1995 - 12:23:39 EST

A further word on Rev.3:10.
I think it important to interpret the statement KAGW SE THRHSW EK THS WRAS
TOU PEIRASMOU in light of the whole letter. They have an open door, a
missionary oportunity and they have kept (THREW) his word. They have
already endured. Verse 10 has the parallel statements, "You have kept
(THREW) . . . and I will keep (THREW). What they had kept was TON LOGON
THS hUPOMONHS MOU. This could be translated "you have endured as I
endured." The word hUPOMONHS is used often to refer to remaining faithful
in the face of opposition Heb. 12, Mk.13. The phrase THS MELLOUSHS ERCESQAI
EPI THAS OIKOUMENAS hOLHS brings the apocalyptic language of late Judaism
that there are basically two ages, the present evil age and the age to
come. The problem for Christians is that they could not think that the
Messianic age has not already started. Hence John was a citizen to two
ages. Endurance (hUPOMONHS) was necessary because of that. I cannot see
in any way the idea here that the Philippians are promised that in their
missionary opportunity, that they would ever not need to keep the "word of
my endurance." To make this evidence in any millennial scheme is to
distort it.

Carlton Winbery
Prof. Religion
LA College,
fax (318) 442-4996

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