Re: review Palmer 1995

From: Bruce Terry (
Date: Mon Nov 27 1995 - 11:42:44 EST

On Sun, 26 Nov 1995, Rod Decker wrote a review of:

>Palmer, Micheal W. Levels of Constituent Structure in New Testament Greek.
>Studies in Biblical Greek 4. New York: Lang, 1995. 145 pages.

in which he stated:

> Although by itself it would not justify the cost
>of the book, the discussion of the various NT grammars in chapter two is
>very helpful in placing each in its appropriate theoretical framework and
>showing how various theories of language have impacted subsequent
>generations of grammars.

Rod, thanks for the review. Just what is the cost of Micheal's book?

A side-comment: The necessity to propose an intermediate level between word
and phrase may say more about X-bar syntax than about Greek grammar.

Bruce Terry E-MAIL:
Box 8426, ACU Station Phone: 915/674-3759
Abilene, Texas 79699 Fax: 915/674-3769

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