Re: Basic Foundation

From: David Moore (
Date: Thu Nov 30 1995 - 00:36:49 EST

On Wed, 29 Nov 1995, James Kuiper wrote:

> David Moore wrote...
> > Some have talked about this dialogue between the interpreter and
> > the text as the "hermeneutic circle." The text gives me information
> > which, in turn affects my understanding of the text which influences my
> > exegesis of the text.... and so on.
> >
> Grant Osborne's The Hermeneutical Spiral deals with this issue brilliantly.
> He also included two fabulous appendices on the nature of meaning.

        And spiraling upward certainly sounds better than going in circles,
doesn't it ;)

David L. Moore Southeastern Spanish District
Miami, Florida of the Assemblies of God Department of Education

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