Re: TLG -- Writers' list

From: Paul J. Bodin (
Date: Sat Dec 02 1995 - 01:08:40 EST

On Thu, 30 Nov 1995 13:37:54 -0500 (EST) you wrote:

>--I think I remember that most of this info is also on the disk,
>though I can't remember a file name and the TLG set-up I use
>is down in Boston. You might find it by scanning a directory
>of the CD.

The information is, indeed, present on the disk. Furthermore, the TLG
project has progressed since the Canon was published in print, so that
it is no longer up to date.

Some of the access software allows the user to access the canon
information stored on the CD. TLG Workplace by Silver Mountain software
allows one not only to view the canon information relevant to the
current reference, but also to use the canon information on the disk to
structure searches. The search software available for the aging Ibycus
system also makes use of this data.

 Paul J. Bodin Internet:
 Seminary Pastor smail: 1333 66th Street
 Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary Berkeley, CA 94702

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