1 Thes 4:16,17

From: Roger Andersson ST/BE (etxroan@flipper.ericsson.se)
Date: Fri Dec 01 1995 - 08:57:38 EST

Hi everyone!
In the different religions that use the Bible as its base
(or at least say they do) there are a variety of ideas on
what happen to people when they die. Some go to hell, some
go to purgatory, some go to heaven, some just go to the
grave. There are also some ideas as regards how many go to
heaven, for instance. If someone could put aside the creed
thing, and just look into the contextual and grammatical
proof, and help me with a question, I'd be grateful.
In reading 1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17 I understand that the
ones who are "dead in Christ" will rise, or be resurrected,
first. (Rise to what?) The next part, in v 17, some explain
means that the 'alive and remaining' ones will be caught up
to BE together with the first ones. I, on my part, understand
it to mean that the 'catching up' will be together with the
first ones, ie. at the same time. If I remember correctly,
the Greek word for "together" used here, can also mean "at
the same time". What do you say about this theory?
And, if it's correct, where were the first ones between their
'rising' and their 'catching up'? (or: will be (?))
Is there any verse in the Bible that tells us WHEN the ones
who'll go to heaven (be it 0, 144000, or everyone, except for
our Lord, Jesus Christ, of course) actually will do that?
Regards, Mikael!

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