
From: Jeff Needle (
Date: Thu Dec 07 1995 - 23:52:00 EST

W > From: Carlton Winbery <>
W > To:
W > Date: Thu, 7 Dec 1995 21:07:06 +0400
W > Subject: confused
W >
W > It's a slow night. I am a bit confused. I am being told that there must
W > be an inerrant text of Scripture or I have nothing to base my faith on.
W > Some even say I can't be a Christian without believing (I suppose that
W > means give mental assent to) in an inerrant text. But they also tell me
W > that the texts that are inerrant are the original autographs which I can't
W > quite get to. Woe is me for I am in a pickle. I can't be saved without an
W > inerrant text and we haven't yet found the autographs. If anyone finds
W > them, fax them to me quick!
W >
W > Calton L. Winbery
W > Prof. Religion
W > LA College, Pineville, La
W >
W >
W >
W >

Sorry, misplaced the original autographs -- saw them just the other
day, can't put my finger on them now.

BTW, you must be a very short person, if you're in a pickle. I'm
surprised the literalists on this list did not pick up on this before.


Jeff Needle

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