Re: FREE Magazine Problem

From: David Housholder (
Date: Fri Dec 08 1995 - 12:49:54 EST

Bruce Terry placed before us the options on controlling submissions to the
B-Greek list.

If it is possible for the access control to be set so that those subscribing to
B-Greek-Digest only would also have the submission access (perhaps a problem if
Majordomo sees them as two different discussion groups as far as subscription is
concerned), I would not see a difficulty in limiting posting to subscribers.

I know we get some questions from people who request a personal response because
they are not subscribed. There could be various reasons for that to be necessary
at times, but it would eliminate the unwanted postings. I am not bothered by
them now that CompuServe is not charging for incoming Internet messages, but if
they had come when I was in India, paying both time and volume charges, it would
have been highly irritating.

I operate a couple of discussion groups; Majordomo is the software. Submissions
by non-subscribers are bounced to the conference owner. I can then approve them
for posting to the group or just leave them off. Would that be possible for this

One further problem with non-member submissions: Some e-mail systems change the
e-mail address slightly (usually adding another element) when sending mail. So
if I am subscribed as the mailer may show the sender as Majordomo then rejects that submission as being non-member.

So the issue *is* complex. My solution, by the way, is to delete without reading
any messages with the magazine subject line. The problem now is that some of
this discussion is using that subject line; we need to have a clear subject line
so the useful discussion messages here are not deleted by irritated recipients.

David Housholder
writing at 11:39 AM on Friday, December 08, 1995

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