Re: Definitions/Tranlations Eph 1:2

From: Carlton Winbery (
Date: Tue Dec 12 1995 - 10:29:09 EST

>In my continued translation of Ephesians 1:1-2 I have come across the
>following words again which I could not find in either "Mastering Greek
>Vocabulary" by Thomas A. Robinson or "Lexical Aids For Students of New
>Testament Greek" by Bruce M. Metzger:
>Your help with defining and translating these words is much apreciated.
>Thanks to those who helped with the similar problem in verse one.
>Rod Rilea

UMIN is the dative plural of the second person pronoun SU.
HMWN is the genitive plural of the first person pronoun EGW.

If you want to learn Greek inductively, I would suggest that you get an
analytical lexicon like Mounce, The Analytical Lexicon of the NT and a
morphology like Mounce's or Brooks and Winbery Morphology of NT Greek,
Univ. Press of America. When you have to look up a word like HMWN then
find the declension of it (page 103 in Brooks & Winbery) and learn the full
declension of both EGW and SU. Inductive learning can be fun and

Carlton Winbery
Prof. Religion
LA College,
fax (318) 442-4996

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