Evangelism of Christ (fwd)

From: Paul Dixon - Ladd Hill Bible Church (pauld@iclnet93.iclnet.org)
Date: Tue Dec 12 1995 - 12:29:43 EST

Dr. Paul S. Dixon
Pastor, Ladd Hill Bible Church
Wilsonville, Oregon

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 1995 09:28:11 -0800 (PST)
From: Paul Dixon - Ladd Hill Bible Church <pauld@iclnet93.iclnet.org>
To: leadership@iclnet93.iclnet.org
Cc: reformed group <reformed@listserv.syr.edu>
Subject: Evangelism of Christ

        My complete doctoral product entitled, "The Evangelism of Christ:
a Model for Evangelism Today," is now available at the following ftp
address: members.aol.com\dixonps.
        There are 6 files (one chapter per file) and you can select for
either MSWorks or WordPerfect formatting. Download the appropriate
files, then access through MSWorks or Wordperfect accordingly.
        The product is also available on microfiche through TREN
(Theological Research Evangelical Network).

Dr. Paul S. Dixon
Pastor, Ladd Hill Bible Church
Wilsonville, Oregon

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