Call for mnemonics

From: Bill Mounce (
Date: Fri Dec 15 1995 - 19:41:33 EST

To All,

A while back I talked about my desire to start collecting students'
mnemonic devices for inclusion on a Greek CD-ROM for tutoring. I have a
form I made up that can be handed out to students who would like to
participate. If you would like a copy please send me an email and I will
email the form back to you.

I appreciate your help in this. I am convinced that we can almost totally
remove our students' fear of memorizing vocabulary given the power of
multi-media, but the more that are involved in it the better it will be.

I can't pay for their contributions, but we may be able to have a credits
window where their names are listed. How's that for motivation?


Bill Mounce
Teknia Software, Inc.

Internet: (preferred)
AOL: Mounce
CIS: 71540,2140 (please, only if necessary)

"It may be Greek to you, but it is life to me."

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