Re: Help with Col. 1:24

From: Jim Beale (
Date: Wed Dec 06 1995 - 18:13:32 EST

Wow! Thank you everyone. What a great group!

nu=n now
xai/rw I rejoice
e)n in
toi=s the (my)
paqh/masin sufferings
u(pe\r on behalf of
u(mw=n y'all (1)
kai\ and
a)ntanaplhrw= I fill up
ta\ the
u(sterh/mata deficiencies
qli/yewn of the afflictions
*xristou= of Christ
e)n in
th=| the
sarki/ flesh
mou of me
u(pe\r on behalf of
sw/matos of the body
au)tou= of him
o(/ which
e)stin is
h( the
e)kklhsi/a Church

 1. south'n is a more advanced form of the english
    language because they differentiate between
    singular and plural in the 2nd person.

The word QLI/YEWN doesn't refer to Christ's vicarious satisfaction
in any way does it? hUPER is used of Christ's sufferings on behalf
of His people, but does this imply that there is some defiency? I
admit to a theological roadblock on this one... :-)


  Thou awakest us to delight in Thy praise;
  for Thou madest us for Thyself, and our
  heart is restless, until it repose in Thee.
  (Augustine, Confessions, I,1)

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