Re: greetings

From: Roger Andersson ST/BE (
Date: Fri Dec 22 1995 - 05:06:30 EST

A bit late, isn't it? (1.966 years, and some months)
And can it really be said that Christ was born? He didn't
become christ (anointed) until he had been baptized, and at
the time he was a full-grown man. I know this about beeing
born again, when dedicating oneself to serv God, but what we
see at this time of year is that they try to celebrate the
birth of Jesus (Why?) and show him as a small child, and he
was certainly not Christ when he was born as a human.
PS. Hence, our use of BC is misleading, considering what it
really means (Before Christ). In Swedish we have the same
thing (f. Kr. (before Christ), and e. Kr. (after Christ),
referring at the *birth* of Christ (=Jesus)). But that should
most likely be counted from the fall of year 29 CE (!; does
CE mean Common Era or Christian Era? I've heard both.)
Regards, Mikael!

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