Re: Liddell/Scott

From: Carl W. Conrad (
Date: Tue Dec 26 1995 - 19:20:20 EST

At 4:40 PM 12/26/95, Nichael Lynn Cramer wrote:
>I can't at the moment find the original message, but earlier this month
>there was a discussion here about sources for the Liddell/Scott lexicon.
>Today's mail brought a flier for the "Religious Book Club" (actually a
>pseudonym for the CBD in Peabody Mass) which offers the (new) 9th edition
>for $119.95 (list $135).
>The newly revised supplement is also available at $59.95 ($65).

That's still a pretty good deal, but not as good as OUP was offering to
members of SBL/AAAR and APA/AAA who got their special catalogs for Religion
and Classics; as a I recall it the Religion Catalog offer was good until
Jan. 15, the Classics Catalog offer was good until the end of March (3
months following the professional association's annual meeting). The
special price was for $100 for the single volume that included the new
Glare supplement.

Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics, Washington University
One Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO, USA 63130
(314) 935-4018 OR

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