[10001] jesus seminar

From: Birger Pearson (bpearson@humanitas.ucsb.edu)
Date: Thu Jan 11 1996 - 12:56:15 EST

My fellow ioudaioi might be interested in my article, "The Gospel
According to the Jesus Seminar," just published in Religion (London) 25
(1995) 317-38. In this article I situate the work of the Jesus Seminar
in the context of contemporary Jesus quests, and then assess its
methodology, its historical premises, its translation (the "Scholars
Version"), and its interpretation of the 18% of the Jesus tradition that
they assign to the historical Jesus. In some concluding observations I
take a look at the ideology that drives the Seminar's work, as reflected
in The Five Gospels.
Birger Pearson, Emeritus, UCSB

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