Re: GUNH EN HSUCIA -- 1Ti 2.11

From: Clifford M. Kuehne (
Date: Thu Jan 11 1996 - 22:41:28 EST

At 12:38 PM 1/11/96 +0100, you wrote:

>3. What do you think of this rendering of v. 11? "But I do not allow women
>to teach IN A WAY THAT (OUDE) they exercise authority over men, but to be
>in submission (EN HSUCIA)"
>Thanks tons!

The rendering of 1 Tim. 2:12 which you suggest could be accepted only if the
conjunction OUDE were epexegetical (explanatory) in force. A group of Greek
scholars in our area studied this verse intensively a couple of years ago
and concluded that such an understanding was not tenable. The OUDE must be
taken as a _coordinating_ conjunction. Thus the traditional translations are
correct: "I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man"

A resume of the above-mentioned study appears in the _Journal of Theology_
of the Church of the Lutheran Confession (ISSN 0361-1906), 35:3 (September
1995), pages 21-29.

Clifford M. Kuehne
Immanuel Lutheran College
Eau Claire, Wisconsin

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