Re: Bible Software

From: David Housholder (
Date: Tue Jan 16 1996 - 22:50:27 EST

>> I am struggling between BibleWorks for Windows and Bible Windows


One person who may be able to give some good evaluation of the various packages
now available is Tim Walker <>. Tim has done extensive
and intensive examination and evaluation of various original language Bible
programs. You may have seen his article in the November (I believe), 1994 issue
of Christian Computing Magazine. He has continued to work with and examine the
programs as they have developed since then.

I don't want to complicate life for you (I sympathize with you regarding the
difficulty of making a decision on this issue), but have you noted that the
Gramcord component of White Harvest's Bible Companion Series is now shipping?
This is the first full Windows presentation of the Gramcord database and search

Another point: If you are interested in Greek (and don't need Hebrew at this
point), both Bible Windows and Bible Companion offer you packages that cost
considerably less than what you would pay for BibleWorks.

A final comment: For studying the Greek text with parsings and morphological
analysis and access to lexicons, *all* of these programs will do a good job for
you and the one you choose is the one that you will be praising as the best in
existence after you have gotten used to it. You are not making a fatal error
whichever package you choose.

David Housholder
writing at 10:33 PM on Tuesday, January 16, 1996

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