Re: Using Perseus

From: Carl W. Conrad (
Date: Tue Jan 30 1996 - 19:50:34 EST

On 1/30/96, Kenneth Litwak wrote:

> Although I've seen posts about using Perseus with Greek fonts, I want
>to know
> if it's possible, as it appears to be on the screen, to use English
>characters to
> search for lexical entries? Has anyone on the list done this successfully?
> When I tried, I got nasty Server errors. I went to the page for LSJ lexical
> entries, typed in an English transliteration and got a nasty error back.

I think, Ken, that the only way to do this using the Roman letters rather
than the requisite Macintosh or Windoze fonts is to use the TLG beta code
to make your entries. As I recall, there's a nice graphic chart of the TLG
beta code at the Peseus web site in the instructions on how to use the
lexical resource.

Incidentally, for those who haven't heard (we do HEAR electronically, don't
we), there's another nice new resource just put in at the Perseus site:
verb paradigms and self-testing; the URL is

I cite the announcement made by Gregory Crane of Tufts, who heads the
Perseus Project, to the Classics List:

The WWW has finally made it possible for us to begin publishing and documenting
the morphological analysis software that allows Perseus to link oi)/sw with
fe/rw. The first offering on the Web actually may have some pedagogical

The very first rough incarnation of this is now up on the Web. It includes
a paradigm viewer for standard verbs, but it also includes a facility for
students to quiz themselves. This is only a first step, but it works well
enough for us to seek feedback.

Start with:

Then ask to see a paradigm of paideu/w, for example.

>From there you can generate a quiz.

The forms are generated "on the fly".
The same rules apply here: use Mac or Windoze fixed-width fonts or beta code.

Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics, Washington University
One Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO, USA 63130
(314) 935-4018 OR

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