Rom 1:17

From: John Moe (
Date: Sat Feb 03 1996 - 07:21:18 EST

I have been wrestling with DIKAIOS EK PISTEWS ZHSETAI. I have always
taken EK PISTEWS wtih ZHSETAI, but I am wondering why it should not be
taken with DIKAIOS. At Gal 3:11 Paul has building his argument on
Abraham and quotes Gen 15:6. DIKAIOS EK PISTEWOS is the point he is
making there. Is there some gramatical reason that Paul's use of this
phrase from Hab. 2:4 should not be taken this way. Since this seems to
not be a strick quotation of the Heb or the LXX as we have them, I do
not think that either of those should controle the understanding of
Paul's N.T. Use.
Thanks for any light you can cast.

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