Re: help on graphe artios

From: Stephen C Carlson (
Date: Fri Mar 01 1996 - 09:14:34 EST

Carlton Winbery wrote:
>Stephen C Carlson wrote;
>>I think that GRAFH in the Pastorals might be broader than the OT. 1Tm5:18
>>apparently quotes Lk10:7 as GRAFH, and PASA GRAFH may be in contrast to
>>the preceding hIERA GRAMMATA (2Tm3:15). This does not necessarily imply
>>that Luke in its entirely was viewed as Scripture, because there is E.
>>Massaux's observation that the early second century fathers used GRAFH
>>to refer also to the words of the Lord that were recorded.
>Surely BOUN ALOWNTA OU FIMWSEIS in I Tim. 5:18 is a quote from Deut. 25:4.
>That is enough to account for the writers use of LEGEI hH GRAFH without
>assuming that the next quote is also scripture. If he did think that AXIOS
>hO ERGATHS TOU MISQOU AUTOU was scripture, he could have been influenced in
>that by Num. 18:31 and/or 2 Chron. 15:7. I see not strong evidence here to
>say that the writer saw any Christian writing as Scripture.

The closest analog to 1Tm5:18 I can find is 2 Clement 2:4 where a
quotation from Mt9:13 (= Mk2:17 ~ Lk5:32) is introduced by KAI hETERA
DE GRAFH LEGEI hOTI. But since 2 Clement is so careful otherwise not
to introduce Jesus' words as GRAFH, I'm now inclined to disagree with
Massaux and conclude 2 Clement was simply mistaken that Jesus was also
quoting the OT (Hosea) there.

Whatever is going on in 1Tm5:18 (literally parallel with Lk10:7 against
Mt10:10 and Did. 13:2 [both TROFHS vice MISQOU]; 2Ch15:7 is more removed
hOTI ESTI MISQOS THi ERGASIAi HUMWN; and Nm18:31 is not even close), I
suppose it must remain a curiosity.

Stephen Carlson

Stephen C. Carlson, George Mason University School of Law, Patent Track, 4LE              : Poetry speaks of aspirations, and songs     : chant the words.  -- Shujing 2.35

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