From: Loren Crow (
Date: Tue Mar 26 1996 - 14:00:56 EST

At 11:32 AM 3/26/96, wrote:
>I am leaving town for a few days, but need some info. I need some info and
>history on:
>qahal YHWH as it relates to EKKLESIA. Was it thought of as a "worship
>assembly" or simply the community of God? Did it not include worship, since
>it was a vital part of community life??


This is an interesting problem. For a basic introduction to the issues,
see the following article:

George W. Anderson, "Israel: Amphictyony: <am; kahal; <edah." In
_Translating and Understanding the Old Testament: Essays in Honor of
Herbert G. May_, ed. H. T. Frank and W. L. Reed (Nashville, TN: Abingdon
Press, 1970) 135-151.

This should be of considerable help to you.


# Loren D. Crow, Ph.D. ++ Office Phone: (903) 927-3219 #
# Department of Religion ++ Fax: (903) 938-8100 #
# Wiley College ++ #
# 711 Wiley Avenue ++ Email: #
# Marshall, TX 75670 ++ WebPg: #

"I have striven not to laugh at human actions, not to weep at them, nor to
hate them, but to understand them."
                                  - Baruch (Benedict) Spinoza

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