From: Nikolaos (
Date: Wed Mar 06 1996 - 14:38:25 EST

Date: Wed, 6 Mar 1996 11:51:57 -0500 (EST)
From: David Moore <>
To: B-Greek <>

> These passages have been severally interpreted to mean (1)
>"married only once," (2) "not polygamous," (3) "not a womanizer," or (4)
>simply expressing that the person should be (or have been) married. The
>emphatic position in which we find hEIS appears to rule out number 4.
>IMO, I Tim. 5:14 rules out number 1, since it seems doubtful that Paul (I
>realize not everyone agrees Paul is author of the Pastorals) would
>recommend (BOULOMAI) to anyone a course of action that would not be in
>keeping with character desirable in leaders of the church. Also, if it
>were an expression forbidding remarriage in church officials, why do these
>contexts not mention unmarried celibates as may have been the case with
>Timothy himself?

Simply means (1) and (2) and (3) together,
and there is a tradition in the orthodox church in the canons that a
clergy cannot be anyone with a second marriage, or with a wife who has
him a second husband, orcan be married again after
a first marriage or the first ordination or the acceptance of monks rank.

Nikolaos Adamou, PH.D.
Prof. of Finance and Management
Dage Graduate School
MBA Program

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