RE > Intermediate Grammar

From: Karen Pitts (
Date: Mon Apr 15 1996 - 01:36:09 EDT

Dear Chris:

This is the question I asked when I joined B-Greek last September (as have
several other people). One of the answers is to stick with Smythe, hard to
read and understand though it is. I ended up purchasing Brooks and Winbery,
Mounce's Morphology, Hewett, and the NT Greek Insert from Gary Shogren (I blew
all my Christmas money on Greek references). I also got Zerwick, but have
found it harder to dig stuff out of. Brooks and Winbery is very readable and
helpful. I have to spend more time with the others to make them useful.
Hewett has some good paradigm tables and an English to Greek lexicon, which I
had been looking for.

The other replys came below. Someone else mentioned a recent grammar by
Young, but I con't find the reference right now. Good luck.

Karen Pitts

Carlton Winbery
La College, Pineville, La

... you should have Robert Funk, A Beginning-Intermediate Grammar of
Hellenistic Greek. Vol. I gives good discusions for the mastery of morphology
with enough syntax to get started. Vol. II is Syntax and Vol III is a very
useful appendix and further explanation of Morphology. Many people have found
Brooks and Winbery, Syntax of NT Greek an easy introduction to syntax, but I
have often disagreed with some of the examples selected by Brooks.

Timothy B. Smith
United Presbyterian Church In Ingram
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Geneva College
Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania

Here are some suggestions that might help. I find that there is a gap
between introductory and advanced grammars that are of recent publication.
I know that there are now several new ones starting to come out. The
standard New Testament grammar is Blass, Debrunner, and Funk's, A Grammar of
the Greek New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature. It's is more of
an advanced grammar, but easier to swim through than Smyth. Zerwick's short
grammar published by the Pontifical Institute is useful. A standard
intermediate grammar is Dana and Mantey's, though it is dated. In my second
year Greek class I am using Bill Mounce's, The Morphologyy of Biblical Greek,
to cover issues of word formation. Vaughn and Gideon's A Greek Grammar of the
New Testament, published by Broadman may help too. Though out of print, if
you can find Ward Power's Grammar, I would recommend it highly. The
appendices are especially useful. This is just a start. I hope it helps.
xapis kai eipnvn

From: Kevin Anderson

James Allen Hewett's _New Testament Greek: A Beginning and Intermediate
Grammer_ is a good text for students who have already had some exposure to
Greek and need to review the basics as well as augment their present
knowledge. This is not, however, a good text for beginners to start with.

Curtis Vaughan and Virtus Gideon's _A Greek Grammar of the New Testament_ is
specifically written as an intermediate textbook. Although it incorporates
elements of a workbook, it contains quite accessible information about matters
of Greek grammar in particular.

H.E. Dana and Julius R. Mantey's _A Manual Grammar of the Greek New
Testament_ is somewhat dated, but is still an old standby. It is also written
with the intermediate student in mind. If A.T. Robertson's _A Grammar of the
Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research_ could be likened to
the sun, then Dana & Mantey's _Manual Grammar_ could be likened to the moon.

James A. Brooks and Carlton L. Winbery's _Syntax of New Testament Greek_ is
an indispensable tool for any student of NT Greek. Even advanced students
will consult it in order to refresh their minds of crucial matters regarding
Greek syntax.

I have only mentioned books that are "tried-and-true" as far as I know. There
are other newer intermediate grammars that I have not been able to review
extensively, and I am sure some of them will prove to be quite helpful.

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