Solution to Hatch-Redpath puzzle

From: Edward Hobbs (
Date: Sat May 04 1996 - 15:07:00 EDT

From: LUCY::EHOBBS "Edward Hobbs" 4-MAY-1996 15:05:09.26
To: IN%""
Subj: RE: Help needed for Hatch-Redpath


Subj: Help needed for Hatch-Redpath
   I'm working on a project that requires a lot of consultation in Hatch-Redpath.
Last night I was looking up AGALLIASQAI, and found 8 Hebrew words listed which
this Greek verb renders. However, in the actual verses listed, I coudn't find
an 8 anywhere. Does this mean Hatch and Redpath messed up in assigning numbers
or am I missing something? I'm interested because it would be very useful to
know where, if anywhere, AGALLIAW renders the Hebrew word SaMaCh (rejoice) in my
paper. Is there any way tofind out where this would be short of repeating all
the word Hatch and Redpath did, spending hours looking up LXX references and then
looking in BHS to see the Hebrew behind them? Thanks.
Ken Litwak
Bezerkley, CA


Dear Ken,
                I've only gotten to my email today (Saturday afternoon),
not logging in since maybe Wednesday, so I didn't see your post on Hatch-
Redpath in time to save you and others a lot of trouble.
        I looked AGALLIASQAI for myself, in Hatch-Redpath (an invaluable
tool for much of my work), and discovered your difficulty. My copy has the
(8) marked out, in red pencil--my doing. Your copy would be the same if
you had done what every owner of those volumes should have done--read the
list of ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA on p. vii (i.e., page facing vi, but not
itself numbered), and entered the errors in red. A few lines from the
beginning, it tells you to delete the (8) SaMaCh as an error. No need to
run through long lists on computers or anything else. It is a mistake
which was noted and acknowledged back in 1897, 99 years ago.
        If you are using a GTU copy, and not your own, help yourself and
others in the future by spending an hour or two, entering these
corrections (in red, to make clear they are corrigenda) in that copy. But
if it is your own copy, DO IT NOW!

Edward Hobbs

P.S.: If you are going to continue using Herb Caen's epithet for Berkeley
(which he coined in the Sixties), spell it right (i.e., the way Herb
invented it!): Berserkely.

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