Information on annoying posts

From: David John Marotta (
Date: Mon May 20 1996 - 10:54:29 EDT

Information on annoying posts.

I have determined the probable source of the annoying posts the lists
I moderate have been receiving concerning magazine subscription offers.
The offender is probably the worst know Internet "spammer" one Kevin
Jay Lipsitz.

You can get the full information about him by pointing your Web Browser

His most recent method is through trial AOL accounts. You can reach
his voice mail at 1-800-644-0682 ext. 1234 The company which provides
him this voice mail is MicroImages. They have provided him a voice ma
il account for a long time, and I suspect that they are actually Kevin
in another guise. They will help you with their consulting knowledge
of Internet advertising for a fee. Their phone number is the same as
Kevin's, just a different extension: 1-800-644-0682 ext 6000 and ext
6002. The company can also be reached at where you can sign their guest book
and let them know what you think of Kevin. You can email but this is an autoresponse mailbox which sends
product information.

This 1-800 service has some shady dealings on it. If you ask for
extension 2000 you get a recording which purports to be the Better
Business and Services and claims that the extension you have entered
is for a National Credit Organization and then tells you that the
company has been in business a long time and they have received no
complaints and where you can send any unresolved complaints.
Clearly they are trying to impersonate the state Better Business
Organizations. Here is a complete listing of extentions on the service:

1107 Tri-Quad Corporations (some link with ext. 3824 ?)
1234 Krazy Kevin Jay Lipsitz
1693 Automated Client Services Desk of PJN Company,
      leave your customer number
2000 Better Business and Services giving an impersonation of a good
      report for a National Credit Inc. company. They give their
      address as:
         Customer Relations
         3001 N. King Hwy.
         Suite 210
         Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
2010 beep?
3098 Fin Co. Security Products (610) 868-8473
3318 Will (personal mail box?)
3824 Mid-Hudson Valley Advertising & Marketing, Mailbox will be
      terminated in 1 month, call (800) 864-0263 or (914) 617-9128
      (some link with ext. 1107 ?)
6056 David Minear, leave your email
6000 Micro Images voice mail box service,,
6002 MicroImages Web Design
6100 The Computer Solutions
7445 beep?
7777 Wayne Taffery
9999 Comic Book Buyers Club (pornography?)

For more information about such net abuse try:

America On-Line doesn't activate an account without a valid credit card,
so they have information about Kevin which they haven't released. You
can ask them to prosecute by sending a note to also supports Kevin's DSN and helps him connect to do his
work. They have been unwilling to help stop his abuse. Try them at

I hope that this information adds to the collected works about the
Internet's worst abuser. Specifically I would like to see his friends
and supporters stop being friendly and supporting him. Even if it is
just those who do have legal grounds looking the other way and not
prosecuting him. They are the only ones with the chance to stop him


David John Marotta

David John Marotta, Medical Center Computing, Stacey Hall
Univ of Virginia (804) 982-3718 wrk INTERNET:
Box 512 Med Cntr (804) 924-5261 msg PRODIGY: KCMR45A
C'ville VA 22908 (804) 296-7209 fax IBM US: usuvarg8

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