
From: LNJVO@cc.newcastle.edu.au
Date: Tue May 28 1996 - 00:04:04 EDT


I have really enjoyed most of the discussions in b-greek. I don't have
the time or opportunity for a lot of input myself--I love Greek--but I
can see that there are alot of keen students of Greek out there, and
not only of the Greek therefore, but also of the word of God. My view
is that if we really want to get in-depth into Scripture, an in-depth
knowledge of Greek as a language is necessary. I'm not so sure of
the value of studying Greek to merely use it as a tool, for I've seen
that such an approach can easily lead to some wrong conclusions. For
my part I'm working on a PhD thesis in the area of the Greek subjunc-
tive--to say the least, it's quite a challenge. I've already come
across some things I've not yet found in any grammar or syntax book, or
any extant article. It's exciting. At the same time I find some of
the b-greek discussions worth reading and thinking about--and as I have
the opportunity I share them with others, Greek students in particular.

For what it's worth, that's my opinion of b-Greek.

John Oaklands

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