
Date: Fri May 31 1996 - 12:57:36 EDT

Eric Weiss posted the following:

>From Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary (c) 1984:

Biographical Names (p. 1397)
Alexander Campbell 1788-1866 founder of Disciples of Christ.

Campbellite (p. 199) - n [Alexander Campbell]: DISCIPLE 2 - often taken to
be offensive

Disciple (p. 360) ... 2 cap : a member of the Disciples of Christ founded
the U.S. in 1809 that holds the Bible alone to be the rule of faith and
practice, usu. baptizes by immersion, and has a congregational polity

I have understood the term Campbellite to mean those who belong to a church
(e.g., Disciples of Christ, Church of Christ, Christian Church) that began
with or originated from the church restoration movement started by
Campbell -- and more specifically to mean those who hold to the stricter
teachings of some of these sect(s), e.g., baptism is a requirement of
salvation (Church of Christ).

Marion Fox here, I am a member of the church of Christ and resent being
called a "Campbellite." We reject that name and you are out of line to use
it to refer to us! Our purpose is to restore simple New Testament
Christianity without the creeds of man. We reject any creed but the

Marion R. Fox
Engineering Science Department
Rose State College
6420 SE 15th Street
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73110

4004 Twisted Trail Dr. SE
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73150-1910


Voice 405-733-7594 Home 405-732-1050

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