Re: spanish on dss

From: Kenneth Litwak (
Date: Mon Jul 01 1996 - 12:46:06 EDT

> Ken
> Thank you for your comment on the work being done in Spanish on the dss.
> Are you able to give us any titles of books or articles by Garcia-Martinez
> and even of other authors perhaps? Is there anything with specific
> reference to the Greek--the lxx I guess. I'd be grateful for some
> additional information there and possibly others would be too.
> John Oaklands

   Hmmm. That would a toughy John. Since I don't read Spanish, I don't pay
any attention to such titles (my advisor wants to know why I'm not using more
German sources, and my Spanish, from 5th and 6th grade consists of only a
few words, like futbol and autobus, plus of course taco, burrito, etc.). I'd
suggest looking in either
Garcia-Martinez, _The Dead Sea Scrolls Translated_ (thugh it is woefully
lacking in fottnotes), particularly the list of materials at the end of the book
that list each text and where it is published/edited/etc.
Barrada (??) and Garcia-Martinez, _The People of the Dead Sea Scrolls_. This book
likely has more references. I apologize if the first author's name is wrong.
I know it's something like that. It's a nice little, very expenseive book from
E.J. Brill, that probably has references in it to what you want. I'm sorry I can't
tell you more. I had too much Hebrew to do for my DSS seminar to read all the
secondary lit. we were supposed to read (though personally, I think it would
have been more valuable to focus more on the sec. lit. instead of being forced
to stay up past midnight regularly translating so that I can now claim to have
read in Hebrew 4QMMT's proscription on pouring liquid from a clean to an
unclean container, but perhaps the professors on the list think differently!!).

   Anyway, I'm afraid that's about all I can offer you. Now that my seminar is
over, I'm refocused on my own area, Luke-Acts, and away from the DSS, at least
until comps.

Ken Litwak
Berserkely, CA

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