Still more confusion on ASCII

From: Edward Hobbs (
Date: Mon Jul 08 1996 - 15:08:21 EDT


        Bill Cox has thoughtfully sent out the IOUDAIOS REVIEW
transliteration scheme, which has been posted before. I hope those who
inhabit IOUDAIOS REVIEW will use this scheme when posting to that List.
And I pray that those who post to B-GREEK will NOT!
        There are lots of schemes available. The IOUD.REV. one is very
similar to both CCAT and Beta-code (for obvious reasons).
We had six proposals here a couple of years ago, and we absolutely refused to
baptize any one of them. We are not a moderated List, and we are not sending
out posts to be published elsewhere. So we cherish our freedom, especially
from having to show diacriticals, WHICH ARE NOT IN THE OLD MSS.! If anyone
wishes to debate editors' decisions about accents or breathings, it is quite
possible to indicate those, understandably; but most of the time, they get
in the way.
        Meanwhile, a pretty general agreement has evolved among the posters
to this list, with a few small variations most of us can live with. I use
other schemes for other Lists, and also for publication. For THIS List,
let's stick with our general agreement, and not burden newcomers OR
regulars with having to learn a new one. Those who LIKE Beta-code, or CCAT
or IOUDAIOS or any other, can post in their favorite scheme, and the rest
of us can probably figure out what is meant.

Edward Hobbs

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