Interactive/ Multimedia Grammar Needed

From: Jonathan Robie (
Date: Fri Jul 12 1996 - 11:41:26 EDT

I am a computer scientist, and would be glad to kick around ideas. (I am not a
Greek scholar, though I read New Testament Greek and sometimes play wannabee
scholar ;->) Personally, I think that the great strength of a computerized
approach should be access to lots of examples. In addition to the discussion of
the basic meaning of a grammatical form, I would like to be able to search for
it in morphologically tagged text, e.g. "where is this particular word used in
this grammatical form".

Linking in BAGD would be great for the same reason.

> The idea is to allow students and researchers to interactively click
> items on a screen to drill down to the specific grammar item and play
> back a recorded classroom setting discussing the requested subject.
> The software would allow rewind, fast-forward, and allow the student
> to jump to related links.

Recorded discussion can be slow...naturally, it is useful for pronunciation,
etc., but I would rather see lots of carefully chosen examples illustrating the
meaning in the original corpus. This is probably a matter of taste--many people
may really prefer to see a friendly face explaining things.

And of course, you would have to make it possible to click on parts of the
original text to see the morphological tagging, look up a word, or perhaps even
to see a sentence tree.


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