Re: Logos Program

From: Dale M. Wheeler (
Date: Wed Jul 24 1996 - 15:29:53 EDT

Cleon L. Rogers III asked:

>Could anyone provide the email address for the LOGOS software program? What
>have your experiences been with it?

Hi Buddy:

Greetings from the Rose City...

This info has been posted before, but the URL changed lately, so I thought
I'd give the current one. This Web site is done by Prof. Harry Hahne of
Ontario Theological Seminary, Toronto and reviews the scholarly Biblical
Analysis computer search programs. The URL is:

Let me put a plug in for Harry's site...

If you are thinking about buying scholarly search software you should read
what Harry has to say very carefully about the nature of databases, search
engines, and the various programs. The reason is quite simple; Harry is one
of the very, very few people who review such software who actually knows
the Biblical Languages and can comment competently on such programs. Moreover,
as a Seminary prof he is one of the very, very few who understand the
implicit hermeneutical presuppositions present in the databases and in the
various search engines/programs.

As one who used to write such reviews, I've have found myself both
irritated and amused by the reviews of those who admit they don't have any
real knowledge of the languages, and yet have pontificated on the benefit of
some program which uses a Strong's dictionary and number system. The
situation has improved because more scholarly journals have asked competent
people to review new software. Nevertheless, in my opinion Harry's grasp of
the nature of the beast is without peer (I know some of the other reviewers
and I suspect their lack of detail of analysis has to do more with editorial
decisions related to space and editorial lack of understanding of the nature
of the beast than with the writer's competence---several have lamented this
fact to me; a few have lamented the fact that their articles have been
significantly changed because an editor did not want to offend an advertiser--
this was one of the major reasons I stopped writing reviews). The fact that
Harry's reviews are on an "un-edited" Web page I suspect also means that you
will get not only insightful information, but also honest, straight-forward
evaluation; blemishes and all.

With respect to your question about Logos, he has recently posted a review
of the program... He also has links to other reviews and the Web pages of
the various software publishers, so you can see what they are doing/saying
as well.

Have fun....


Dale M. Wheeler, Th.D.
Research Professor in Biblical Languages Multnomah Bible College
8435 NE Glisan Street Portland, OR 97220
Voice: 503-251-6416 FAX:503-254-1268 E-Mail:

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