Re: Luke 12:10

Date: Sat Jul 27 1996 - 21:22:58 EDT

Carlton makes a good point (referring to Caird) about the passive being used
in circumlocution to avoid using the name of God, though of course we can't
be sure that is being done in Luke 12:10. But I have to disagree for now about
the use of the dative AUTWi. Caird's idea works fine for Matt 5:6; there,
AUTOI (nom.) would naturally become the direct object of the verb were it made
active. In Luke, however, the person forgiven would remain in the dative,
would it not? The thing forgiven (whatever it may be) would move to the accu-
sative (direct object), were the verb made active with God as the subject. On
the other hand, if no reference to the thing being forgiven were implied in
12:10, we should expect AUTWi to be in the nominative, as in Matt 5:6, not

Don Wilkins
UC Riverside

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