fwd: Re: fwd: re: Fwd: An example of your definiton of religious bigotry

From: Mike Phillips (mphilli3@mail.tds.net)
Date: Sun Jul 28 1996 - 22:56:54 EDT

Just a note to advise the two affected lists of the possibilities resulting
from a note to postmaster@gnn.com regarding Mr. Dickens... Sorry to
take up your time (my posts have been private and specifically addressed)
but I couldn't think of any other way to provide all of you with an available

From: Anne <gnnadvisor@gnn.com>, on 7/28/96 6:39 PM:
To: Mike Phillips <mphilli3@mail.tds.net>

Dear Internet User,

Thanks for reporting the unacceptable mail. We'll look into it and
take the appropriate action.

For confidentiality reasons, we cannot disclose information on
actions we've taken against our members, however, the resources
available to us include written warnings and account termination.


GNN Advisor Staff
Global Navigator Network

Mike Phillips
Hebrew Union College - JIR

A word is not a crystal, transparent and unchanging;
it is the skin of living thought and changes from day to day
as does the air around us. -- Oliver Wendell Holmes.

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