Digest: pro/cons

From: Maurice A. O'Sullivan (mauros@iol.ie)
Date: Mon Jul 29 1996 - 05:47:21 EDT

 Edgar Krentz indeed has a point when he writes:
>> don't oversell b-greek digest. <<

and never more than at the moment, with the continuing abuse of this list by
Timothy T. Dickens and his forwarded messages.

I am now about to unsubscribe the DIGEST, and to subscribe to B-GREEK for
the sole purpose of setting up my mailer to reject all messages carrying the
tag " Mr. Timothy T. Dickens" <MDick39708@gnn.com>

As a long-time user of the DIGEST facility, I am reluctant in some ways to
lose its several advantages, but the cluttering of my HD with "Mr" Dickens
utterly irrelevant material is more than I can stand.





Maurice A. O'Sullivan [ Bray, Ireland ]

[using Eudora Pro v 2.2 ]

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