Re: Managing the list. A note from the List Owner.

From: Uri (
Date: Mon Jul 29 1996 - 11:48:21 EDT


On 29 Jul 1996, David John Marotta wrote:
> Greetings from the list owner.
<snipped garbage>

> 2. Should be able to call yourself an Evangelical Christian, or be
> very sympathetic to Evangelical Christians.

What is this garbage? How do Evangelical Christians corner the market on
becoming "Board Members"?

Now we are really talking arrogance and pomposity.

This is an affront to Jewish people and those of scholarly repute of any
other Jewish or Christian background.

  I want only those who can as part of the B-GREEK
> board. Those who cannot will benefit from the board's work anyway.

Censorhip - plain and simple.

> (Hence if you view being on the Board as an opportunity to blast away
> all those who post inappropriately, you shouldn't apply) There is no
> creedal assumptions I have in mind.

Then explain "Evangelical Christian" to the list - for it connotates the
prevelant - captialistic - false christianity - that insidiously pervades
the United States today.

  And the litmus test toward Evangelicals
> is only because they are a majority of the non-Professors on the list.

Define this "litmus" test.

> 3. Finally, it would be appropriate for the Board members to be recognized
> authorities on the list.

> boards, this board serves at the whim of the List Owner and can be excused
> without cause by me. <smile>

Another PROOF OF Arrogant- Selfish - censorship - methodology applied to
another of "your" lists.

> Finally B-GREEK Board members can add the line:
> B-GREEK Board Member
> At the end of their .sig files when posting on the list in order to

*****> increase their fame and glory. <*********

Your Doctrines of Demons is never so prevelant as in this last statement.

> If you are interested in being part of the B-GREEK Board please
> drop me an email note. Tell me why you would want this prestigious
> position and what areas you could take the responsibility for.

This EMAIL note is to Unsubscribe from this and the rest of your foul lists.

> If there are sufficient volunteers we will form such a board. Otherwise
> I will assume that the list does not have volunteers who fit my criteria
> David John Marotta, Medical Center Computing, Stacey Hall
> Univ of Virginia (804) 982-3718 wrk INTERNET:
> Box 512 Med Cntr (804) 924-5261 msg PRODIGY: KCMR45A
> C'ville VA 22908 (804) 296-7209 fax IBM US: usuvarg8

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a priest according to the true order of Melchisedek.
Ephesians 6:12

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