Re: Lk 23:43

From: George Gunn (
Date: Wed Jul 31 1996 - 11:02:09 EDT

Dubious theological considerations re: the identity of "paradise" aside, I
believe it's important to consider the use of the phrase AMHN LEGW SOI in
the Gospels. The prhase occurs 9 times in the sayings of Jesus (Mt 5:26;
26:34; Mk 14:30; Lk 23:43; Jn 3:3,5,11; 13:38; 21:18). Since it occurs only
once in Lk, one can only draw conclusions from the other occurrences
assuming the gospel writers accurately quote Jesus. I make that assumption
though others may not. Of the other 8 occurrences, none, in my opinion, use
any kind of adverbial qualifier for LEGW. Three of the occurrences use a
hOTI clause immediately following the prhase, thus ruling out the
possibility of there being an adverbial qualifier. Of the references lacking
hOTI, only one might be considered parallel in structure (i.e. including a
possible adverbial qualifier), viz. Jn 21:18; there, I hardly think anyone
would consider the temporal clause hOTE HS NEWTEROS "when you were young" as
modifying LEGW rather than EZONNUES and PERIEPATEIS. In conclusion, on
linguistic evidence, I favor taking SHMERON in Lk 23:43 with the following
ESHi rather than with the preceding LEGW.

        * * * * * * * * *

George Gunn
Shasta Bible College
James 5:7,8

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