(no subject)

From: Mike Phillips (mphilli3@mail.tds.net)
Date: Sat Aug 03 1996 - 15:54:50 EDT

        Having recently been invigorated by actually knowing something in Greek
<g>, and being kindly treated by those who failed to openly note I missed (it
not being the intention of my reply) what S. Carlson pointed out (i.e., LEGW as
'call' rather than 'speak to') in the variant translation originally offered, I
am in need of some further clarification regarding the double accusative.
        In Rom. 6:16

        It appears to have a double accusative construction as well except I am
troubled by my lack of English grammar -- i.e., we have an indirect object W
(to whomever), a verb PARISTANETE (you place at the disposal of) an accusative
EAUTOUS (yourselves) another accusative DOULOUS ((to be) or (as) servants). I
am confused, I think by the reflexive pronoun, which seems to be acting as a
D.O., yet, being reflexive, suggests some other grammatical function.
        Loosely translated
        ...to whomever you place yourselves at the disposal of as slaves

        The subject of the verb would be you (2nd pl.) and yourselves as D.O.
(but I have reservations due to ignorance of English) followed by servants as
Predicate Object (which seems straightforward enough). Can someone teach me if
there are any special rules regarding reflexive pronouns as D.O.s in Greek (or
in English, if different)? Thank you.

Mike Phillips
Hebrew Union College - JIR
Ph.D. Student -- Jewish Studies in the Greco Roman Period

A word is not a crystal, transparent and unchanging;
it is the skin of living thought and changes from day to day
as does the air around us. -- Oliver Wendell Holmes.

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