Newest Liddell-Scott-Jones--bargain again!

From: Edward Hobbs (
Date: Mon Aug 05 1996 - 17:15:18 EDT

Since I posted my notice three weeks ago about the arrival of the long-
awaited new edition of the Liddell-Scott-Jones Lexicon (i.e., still the
Ninth Edition, but with a completely new Supplement by Glare), some of
you wrote to me asking about the price. I replied to each of you that
while there was a bargain deal of $100 plus shipping if ordered before
publication (my order was placed over a year and a half ago), it
had reverted to the new lower price of $125 plus shipping (the
older version was $135).
        But GOOD NEWS! The "Summer Sale 1996" Catalog from Oxford
University Press has arrived, with lots of sale prices. And you can
now obtain the LSJ-Glare Lexicon for $100 again! (Or, Supplement by
Glare alone, for $50 instead of rugular $65.) Sale price holds through
December! Shipping is ridiculously low--$3.50 for first book, 75c for
each additional book. No tax is added except for CA and NC residents.
        Lexicon # is 864226-1, Supplement is # 864223-7. Credit
card orders may phone 1-800-230-3242.

Edward Hobbs

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