Translation program for Theological Research - John 1

From: Alan Repurk (
Date: Mon Aug 05 1996 - 12:07:51 EDT

Gentlemen and Scholars,

A while back, during the discussion of all the good information
available in languages other than English, I asked a question about
language translation programs for German, because many of the
articles I would like to read are in that language. I apologize if
this is too far off topic, but I have found a language program for
German (Spanish, Italian and French also available). It is called
German Assistant.

I fed two versions of parts of John 1 which I had in my files from
a previous project.

Here are the results. If anyone knows German I would be interested
in a critique. Actually some parts are quite humerous !



Das Evangelium nach Johennnes
Siegfried Schultz, 1975
1 Im Anfang war das Wort, und das Wort war
bei dem Gott, und ein Gott (oder: Gott von
Art) war das Wort.
2 Dieses war im Anfang bei dem Gott.
3 Durch dasselbe ist alles geworden, und
ohne dasselbe wurde gar nichts, was geworden
4 In ihm war Leben, und das Leben war das
Licht der Menschen.
5 Und das Licht scheint in der Finsternis,
aber die Finsternis hat es nicht ergriffen.
6 Ein Mensch trat auf, von Gott gesandt,
mit Namen Johannes.
7 Dieser kam zum Zeugnis, um Zeugnis zu geben
f r das Licht, damit alle durch ihn zum
Glauben k men.
8 Jener war nicht das Licht, sondern er
wollte (nur) Zeugnis geben f r das Licht.
Das Evangelium nach Johennnes
Jurgen Becker, 1979

1 Am Anfang war der Logos, und der Logos war
bei dem Gott, und ein Gott war der Logos.
2 Dieser war am Anfang bei dem Gott.
3 Alles ist durch ihn geworden, und ohne ihn
ist nichts geworden. Was geworden ist,
4 in dem war er Leben, und das Leben war das
Licht der Menschen.
5 Und das Licht scheint in der Finsternis,
aber die Finsternis hat es nicht in Besitz
6 Ein Mensch trat auf, von Gott gesandt, mit
Namen Johannes.
7 Dieser kam zum Zeugnis, um ber das Licht
Zeugnis abzulegen, damit alle durch ihn zum
Glauben k men.
8 Er war nicht (selbst) das Licht, sondern
damit er ber das Licht Zeugnis ablege (,
dazu war er gesandt).
 9 Das war das wahrhaftige Licht, das jeden
Menschen erleuchtet, der in die Welt kommt. 10
Es war in der Welt, und die Welt ist durch es
geschaffen, aber die Welt hat es nicht
11 Er (der Logos) kam in das Seine, aber die
Seinen nahmen ihn nicht auf.
12 Wieviele ihn aber aufnahmen, denen gab er
Erm chtigung, Gottes Kinder zu werden. (Das
sind die,) die an seinen Namen glauben,
13 die nicht aus Blut oder Fleischeswillen
noch aus Manneswillen sondern aus Gott
gezeugt sind. 14 Und der Logos wurde Fleisch
und wohnte unter uns.

Das Evangelium nach Johennnes
[Siegfried Schultz], 1975
1 Into the start was the word, and the word
was at the God, and a God (or: God of type)
was the word.
2 of This was into the start at the God.
3 Through the same is all becomes, and without
the same became nothing, what has become.
4 In him was lives, and the life was the light
of the persons.
5 And the light seem in the darkness, but the
darkness has not grasped it.
6 A person appears, of God sends, with name
7 of This came to the report card, to give
about report card for the light, so that all
through him to the belief came.
8 of That was not the light, but he wanted
(only) report card gives for the light.
Das Evangelium nach Johennnes
Jurgen Becker, 1979
1 At the start was the [Logos], and the
[Logos] was at the God, and a God was the
2 of This was at the start at the God.
3 universe has become through him, and without
him nothing is becomes. What has become,
4 in that was him lives, and the life was the
light of the persons.
5 And the light seem in the darkness, but the
darkness has taken not in property it.
6 A person appears, of God sends, with name
7 of This came to the report card, about over
the light report card to lay aside, so that
all through him to the belief came.
8 He was not () the light, but so that he over
the light report card lays aside (, also he
was sends).
 9 That was the [wahrhaftige] light, that each
person illuminates, that comes into the world.
10 It was in the world, and the world has
created through it, but the world has not
recognized it.
11 He (the [Logos]) came into the His, but the
His picks up him not.
12 of How much he however [aufnahmen], that he
gave warrant, to become God children. (That is
the,) the at his name believes, 13 the not out
of blood or meat-wills still out of man-wills
but out of God procreates is. 14 And the
[Logos] became meat and lived confidentially.

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