Mark 5:41

From: Robbert Veen (
Date: Wed Aug 07 1996 - 22:06:21 EDT


 Mark translates or interprets TAL[E]ITHA as TO KORASION at 5:41. I
understand that TAL[E]ITHA can mean "lamb"

Yastrow gives 'lamb' as the second meaning of the male form thalja
(Aramaic), which seems to occur in some instances in Targum Yonathan. I
didn't look up all his references, but I suspect that TYonathan uses thalja
because it seems nearer to Biblical Hebrew 'taleh'. I found no evidence of
'talitha' meaning 'lamb', so we are left with just the meaning 'young
girl'? Perhaps you have another source?

A related problem: we pronounce tal-i-tha, Yastrow gives the vocalisation
tal-je-tah, which is probable, given the pronunciation of the male form
tal-jah. Any comments?

I'm at it - presumably, TO KORASION is vocative - is it common for the
vocative to include the definite article?

I'm not a professional greek scholar, but I found in the grammar that is
most commonly used at the University of Amsterdam (Blass, Debrunner,
Rehkopf; Grammatik des Neutestamentlichen Griechisch) that the vocative is
replaced by the definitive article in cases where the one being spoken to
is lower in rank (Attic Greek), a usage that was broadened in NT and LXX .
(God, in Luke 18:11 e.g.). Blass, par. 147.


I think it is appropriate for me to introduce myself, since I am new to
this list.

I am Robbert Veen, from Lelystad, the Netherlands. I studied philosophy,
theology and semitic languages at the University of Amsterdam. I have a
M.A. in theology and philosophy. For theology I specialized in OT-theology.
 I'm currently writing a thesis on Mennonite ecclesiology, and I'm studying
to become a minister for the Dutch Mennonite Church.

I've published on 19th century philosophy and philosophy of religion.

English is not my native language, so I hope you will forgive me the many
mistakes I'll probably make in my postings. I hope you'll understand me
despite of them.

Greetings from Holland,

Robbert A. Veen

Well, there it is...

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