Phil 2:6-8...

From: Mike Phillips (
Date: Mon Aug 12 1996 - 17:02:11 EDT

John Salmon:

        John, thanks for your comments. I may have misled you with my choice
of 'word order.' I should have said 'clause order.' In other words, I didn't
tinker with the word order per se, so much as I attempted to move (in English
translation) the dependent clauses into an appropriate relationship with the
independent clause. In other words, we shouldn't read the clauses in a linear
fashion, so much as we should read them in a relational fashion, i.e., how do
they relate to one another? I welcome any comments about the clausal
relationships in these verses, as there is much I have to learn and am willing
to be instructed in this regard...


Mike Phillips

A word is not a crystal, transparent and unchanging;
it is the skin of living thought and changes from day
to day as does the air around us. - Oliver Wendell Holmes

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